

Thanks to my husband's encouragement I decided to share the "Points in My Life" that have helped me to become a better me, both physically and spiritually. 

Through diet, exercise, and prayer, I've come to realize I have accumulated quite a few recipes and tips that I would love to share that might help others as well. I am not a fitness guru. I am just tired of wanting to look fit and feel more healthy without taking any action to make that happen. 

Not all of my posts will be food related because I have lots more to share.

I'm hoping this blog reaches someone who is just beginning to think they want to make a change but are too afraid of jumping in with both feet. Too much diet and exercise information can be scary and boring and we soon find ourselves going back to the comforts of what's probably not the best for us. This blog is here only to encourage, enlighten, and hopefully make you smile.  :)