
Monday, May 18, 2020

Brussels Sprouts and Kielbasa Egg Scramble

Six main ingredients! That's it! You got this! Ok... seven if you include the fresh basil. A simple breakfast, lunch, or dinner that has fantastic flavor! 

Ingredients: (These are what I used.. feel free to substitute)

- 3 Tbs olive oil, avocado oil, or bacon grease <-- that's what I used
- 3 cups chopped brussels sprouts
- 6 oz. (approximately) turkey kielbasa 
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup cocktail tomatoes, halved
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
- seasoning to taste
- fresh basil

In a large skillet, heat oil on high heat. When hot, add brussels sprouts and seasonings of your choice. Stir occasionally. Let brussels sprouts get brown and crispy, but not burnt. Add kielbasa and tomatoes. Turn down heat to simmer, cover with a lid, and stir occasionally. When brussels sprouts are tender, scoot everything to one side of the skillet. Crack your eggs in a separate bowl and whisk. Add eggs to empty side of skillet and let cook. When they are almost done, mix it all together and add shredded mozzarella. Cover and let mozzarella melt. Add fresh basil and enjoy! If you'd like a printer friendly version of this recipe, Click Here

"Don't get so busy with your life that you forget to live your life." 
- Anonymous